
Did You Enjoy the Video Above? Keep Reading to Learn How You Can Get Unlimited Access to Hundreds of Tapping Meditations, Videos, Scripts, and Much More!

From the desk of Nick Ortner
Anyone can create momentary change... the real challenge is in being able to feel clarity, confidence and emotional balance on a consistent basis, in a way that leads you to feeling fulfilled and to creating the life you truly want!

While everybody wants the good life, to be successful, healthy, happy and above all else, to feel fulfilled in their life, most never come close to achieving that dream.

But don't be discouraged by that truth because I'm going to show you exactly how to succeed where so many others fail. Plus, there's one important thing to remember...

You're on this page... which means you're WAY ahead of everybody else.

But if you're where I was fifteen years ago before I realized I had to make a shift in how I approached improving my daily life, you've likely tried one program or another, and made some improvements, but likely haven't had life-changing results.

And there's several reasons for that. First off...

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Most People Think That Creating a Life Where They Feel Fulfilled on a Daily Basis, and Where They Feel Like They're Moving Forward in Creating a Life They Truly Love... is Difficult. But Here's the Thing, It's Easier Than You Think, When You Know What to Do...
(Which I'll Show You)

15 years ago I was in debt, with a business I didn't like, in a relationship that was unfulfilling, with major health issues.

Today I have a life that I absolutely LOVE. I'm financially successful, I have an amazing family with a wife who I cherish and a daughter that fills me with joy every day; my health is better than it's ever been, and I feel happy, fulfilled and in control of my destiny.

Do you think that shift happened overnight? Nope! :)

If you'd asked me back then how I was working to create the "life of my dreams" I would have felt completely overwhelmed by just the question alone! I was just trying to survive...

But what I did was I made daily improvements in how I felt, which lead to more clarity, and better actions, that snowballed into more confidence and bigger and bigger improvements that lead me to where I am today.

And here's the thing... there is absolutely NO reason for why you can't do the same...

I struggled for years with even feeling like I was making progress at all, but I'll show you how you can overcome that hurdle, so that you can feel better immediately and finally feel like you're moving forward in creating the life you want (and deserve!). But before we do that, let's talk about the...

3 Major Reasons For Why Most People Struggle on a Daily Basis, and Thus Fail to Make Their Lives Better Over Time...

They don't know WHAT TO DO on a consistent basis to feel better in their daily life.

Most people go through small spurts of feeling better on a daily basis and moving towards creating change in their life. They take an online course, or read a book and take some action, but then get frustrated with how they feel or not knowing how to actually implement the things they've learned on a consistent basis.

They get frustrated with not knowing what to do, not being able to do it consistently and that they're only creating minimal change... and so they quit, falling back into old patterns.

If you've ever gone through that, you're not alone.

But here's the thing, it's not your fault...

If you've ever wanted to make a change, to get unstuck and move forward, you've had a major challenge that you weren't even aware of! You see... our brains are actually wired to keep us stuck!

Unfortunately our brains were not built for modern times...

They were built not with change or growth as their primary focus, but with survival at all costs as their main objective. Avoiding pain is by far a bigger need for the human brain, and with good reason.

Think about it in terms of where we were even a few hundred years ago, where day-to-day life, was focused on survival...

If you weren't alert in the wild, you might have snuck up on a bear and startled it, and ended up as that bear's lunch, or all of a sudden ended up with a lion charging at you at 40 miles per hour, or with a snake bite that killed you within minutes.

So naturally the brain developed to be more focused on what could be wrong than what could be right. The person who was happily skipping along through the wilderness was the one eaten, whereas the one who walked in fear through the woods likely survived.

And this is because the person with a fear response was in a more heightened state of awareness.

You see, when we are feeling fear or another negative emotion, our amygdala — a part of the brain responsible for emotions, survival instincts and memory — fires, releasing chemicals into the body that put us into a more alert state, ready to take action to survive.

So the person in fear is more capable of avoiding or surviving the bear, lion, snake or any other experience it encounters.

And so our brains developed to be constantly focused on avoiding pain, with safety and survival as their #1 directive, rather than focusing on pleasure...But here's the good news... it doesn't have to be this way.

Every time we want to make a change, our unconscious fears, negative emotions, and past experiences sabotage us and keep us stuck...

Our world has changed at lightening speed over the last several decades, but our brains have not...

We're still working with a brain that was driven with the primary objectives of safety and survival!

Every time we have a bad experience that brings about a strong negative emotion, our amygdala fires and the brain wires-in that experience as not safe. It links it to danger in the same way that it would link to the danger of a lion creeping through the tall grass... .

But are they the same? Of course not! But our unconscious brain can't tell the difference....

And so our attempts to grow, and improve, and be better are constantly thwarted by our unconscious brain. And since many of these different experiences feel unsafe to us, even though we don't consciously know why, we doubt ourselves and don't feel confident of our abilities.

We feel that we're not good enough in some way, that there must be something wrong with us. All because of how our brains are wired.

So every time you've beaten yourself up for doing something wrong, or doubted your own ability, or been afraid to speak up, or take action, know that it's not your fault. This is how your brain is currently wired!

But, here's the thing... , here's the exciting part...

EFT Tapping has been proven to rewire the brain to eliminate the unconscious blocks that keep us stuck and unable to move forward in our lives...

The latest research is proving that EFT Tapping can literally rewire the brain, and shift our unconscious beliefs and emotions in the process. In doing so, we are able to reboot our nervous system, and the unconscious wiring that controls our actions!

So far, modern science's investigations into just why Tapping works have been astounding. The results reveal that Tapping is the perfect bridge between cutting edge Western medicine and ancient healing practices from the East.

Hundreds of studies have been performed that show the effects of using Tapping on a variety of issues from reducing stress in the body, reducing physical pain, reducing PTSD symptoms, creating weight loss, and much more... by eliminating the underlying issues that keep us stuck and unable to move forward.

Study after study show that when you deal with the underlying emotional issues, the body is brought back into balance leading to emotional well being, increased levels of happiness, weight loss, increased focus and productivity, improved immune system function and much more!

Tapping is the most effective technique available for making your life better today, and helping you to create a life you truly love.

It will help you eliminate the "What Do I Do?" challenge that so many people face.

Plus, I’ll show you exactly how you can apply this technique on a consistent basis, even if you're brand new to tapping, don't know how to do it, and don’t know what to say when you tap, but first...

New to Tapping? Not Sure What It Is?

If you're new to tapping and you're unclear as to exactly what it is and how it works, click on any of the buttons below to learn about this amazing technique!

What is Tapping?Why It Works?Science & Research

What is Tapping?

Tapping, otherwise known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a combination of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology.

It was developed originally by Roger Callahan in the 1980's and modified and expanded upon by Gary Craig. Since then, thousands of psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, coaches and individual users have adopted this powerful technique for use on themselves, their clients, family members and more.

This simple technique literally involves "tapping" on the meridian points of our body while saying certain statements.

EFT has been known to work for years by psychologists, therapists, coaches and everyday people. In recent years a major push has been made for more evidence based research and the results have been astounding!

Clinical research studies with EFT are proving impressive results in a variety of areas such as relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, athletic performance, PTSD, and among other things...yes...amazing results with financial success!

Check out the short video above to see what experts are saying about the effectiveness of Tapping...

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Why It Works?

Tapping is a powerful and extremely effective technique because of the mind-body connection.

The body is equipped with an energy system that travels along pathways known as meridians. Tapping on these meridian endpoints helps to stimulate this system, and when verbally or mentally addressing the root causes of distress, the areas of blocked energy are able to release and flow naturally.

The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on the negative emotion at hand - a fear, a worry, a bad memory, an unresolved problem, or anything that's bothering you. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on each of the 9 specific meridian points of the body.

Tapping on these meridian points in sequence while concentrating on the negative emotions engages both the brain's limbic system and the body's energy system, encouraging a sense of safety and resolution. And as the scientific field of epigenetics is proving, when you change your internal environment - your emotions and beliefs - external changes in your mental & physical health will follow.

In some ways, Tapping is similar to acupuncture. Like Tapping, acupuncture achieves healing through stimulating the body's meridians and energy flow. However, unlike Tapping, acupuncture involves needles! "No needles" is definitely one of the advantages of Tapping!

Tapping is simple and painless. It can be learned by anyone, and you can apply it to yourself whenever you want, wherever you are. It can be used with a specific emotional intent towards your own unique life challenges and experiences. Most importantly, Tapping gives you the power to heal yourself, putting control over your destiny back into your own hands.

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Science & Research

There's been a growing pool of undeniable research proving that Tapping produces real, lasting breakthroughs. It significantly improves, and can even eliminate, conditions that hospital treatments, medications, and years of psychotherapy often fail to adequately resolve.

Studies performed around the world, including the prestigious Harvard Medical School, continue to verify these assertions. Some of the most popular studies on Tapping include:

-The Stress Test Study that showed that cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, reduced 71% faster when using Tapping then with no therapy or conventional talk therapy.

-The Teacher Burn Out Study that showed that the actual Tapping points matter. These two studies showed the effectiveness of the acupressure points by teaching a sham Tapping method to control groups, and both resulted in the test group's symptoms being reduced significantly more than the control group's. In other words, tapping on random points of the body had little effect when compared to using the specific acupressure points described in standardized tapping therapy.

-The Depression Study that showed that there was a "weighted mean" reduction in depression symptoms by a whopping 41% when using Tapping. Interestingly, the researchers also looked at meta-analyses of psychiatric medication and therapy studies, and discovered that tapping reduced depression symptoms at a much higher rate than either of those accepted treatments.

These are just three of hundreds of studies! Study after study is revealing one undeniable truth... Tapping works!

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Once You Know What to Do (Tapping!), You Need to Overcome the Second Challenge to Why Most People Struggle to Create Change on a Daily Basis, and Thus Fail to Make Their Lives Better Over Time...

They don't have a SUPPORT STRUCTURE in place to guide them and support them when they get knocked down.
Have you ever thought to yourself...

"Sure, I could be happy every day and feel emotionally balanced and fulfilled... if I didn't have to deal with other people!" :)

The reality is... you don't live in a bubble. None of us do. Like everyone, you're affected by your environment.

Every day the people in your work environment affect you. And the people in your family affect you. And your friends affect you. Every day you have to deal with... people!

And so many of those people likely trigger you and make you feel stressed, or anxious, or overwhelmed, or angry! We all live in the REAL world, with REAL people.

Which means that if your environment is not supportive, and if it triggers you on a daily basis and drains you of energy... feeling good every day and moving towards a life you truly love, will be just plain hard!

If you're like most people you likely don't have a support structure around you to help you every day and to support you to get back on track when you're knocked off by life (which happens to everybody).

But here's the good news... it doesn't have to be this way.

I've been working with my team to create something that will change EVERYTHING for you. That will give you step-by-step guidance and support in a way you've never had before...


Imagine for a minute what your daily life would be like if at any time, day or night, when you're stressed, or stuck in negative patterns of thinking or emotions...

That you could have one-on-one help, in the palm of your hand, via a tap-along video, tapping meditation, or tapping script to guide you to immediately feel calm, centered and at peace again...

No more getting stuck in emotional patterns of stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, or any of the other overwhelming emotions that can ruin our day...

No more getting triggered by people in our daily life...

No more not knowing what to do or say to change things to feel better today and in the future...

Within minutes you could just release what was keeping you stuck, rather than being stuck in negative cycles for hours, days, or weeks.

The Tapping Insiders Club will do exactly that for you!

When I decided to build out The Tapping Insiders Club with my team I insisted that it be an all encompassing place for people to be able to come to with any issue, that it help them to know what to work on, that it guide them in their tapping to feel immediately better, and that it do it even with limited time.

I wanted it to help them, to help YOU, with WHAT TO DO on a consistent basis to feel immediately better so as to improve your life.

I'll outline exactly what you'll get in the Tapping Insiders Club but first let me share how it will transform your support structure...

The Tapping Insiders Club Will Transform Your
Support Structure in TWO Critical Ways...


Release Existing Triggers

We'll show you how to Tap to release existing triggers from the people in your life that crush your confidence and sabotage your ability to feel good every day.

Create a New Support Structure

We'll give you a new support structure with the Tapping Insiders Club community and we'll show you how to build a stronger support structure within your current life.

No More Feeling Alone and Unsupported. You'll Finally Have a Community of Like-Minded People That Understand You and Have Your Back No Matter What! When You Feel Supported Every Day, Anything is Possible...

Get Weekly Guidance, Live Masterclasses and Q&A Sessions, and Access to Videos, Scripts, Meditations, Masterclasses, and More to Help You Transform Your Life...

Here's What You'll Get Access to in the Tapping Insiders Club to Guide You In Knowing What to Tap On and What to Say to Feel Consistently Better Every Day and to Transform Your Life...

Weekly Guidance Through The Tapping Insiders Club Weekly Email

While there are hundreds of resources available in the club, we don't want you to get lost in the club!

That's why every week I'll send you an email that will focus on three easy to follow components.

1st - The Win of the Week: A short tap-along video or tapping script to get fast results when time is limited.

2nd - The Weekly Facebook Live Masterclass, where I tap with you and answer questions (and even if you can't attend, the recording is available afterwards).

3rd - A Deep Dive Presentation, if it's a topic you feel you want more clarity on or where you want to go deeper with your tapping.

And out of those three, the main focus is always the "Win of the Week." If you're able to just find the 5 to 10 minutes each week to tap-along with the win of the week, you'll find your life will transform!

Weekly Video Tap-alongs, Tapping Meditations and Tapping Scripts

There are hundreds of video tap-alongs, meditations and scripts already in the club that you'll get immediate access to, but each week we'll feature one of them as the focus for the week.

Within each video tap-along, tapping meditation and tapping script, you'll be guided, step-by-step, in what to say when tapping on any challenge you're facing.

It's like having your own Tapping Coach to help you at any time! No more struggling. Just follow along and feel better!

Weekly Live, Interactive Facebook Masterclasses With In Depth Guidance and Insight to Give You Ongoing Clarity, Focus and Consistent Results...

I'm committed to giving you the highest level of guidance, insight and support I possibly can. That's why, along with my sister Jessica and my brother Alex, we do weekly Facebook Live Masterclasses on a variety of different topics.

You'll get to ask specific questions, tap-along with us, and go deep in releasing your biggest challenges.

You don't have to do it alone. We're here to help!

Access to The Tapping Insiders Club Facebook Community...

Nothing amazes me more than the support that our community members give to each other in our 7 week course groups.

This Facebook community is going to take that to a whole new level!

First off, let me be clear that this group will be 100% private. Only people in the group will be able to see what you comment.

Which means it will be a safe space for you to ask for help, support others, and just be in community.

While you don't have to join the Facebook community to be a part of the Tapping Insiders Club, I think it's a critical component in catapulting your success.

Want to Dive Deeper on a Challenge You're Facing to Get Even Faster Results? We've Got You Covered With Our Expert Interviews...

In Depth Interviews

We've brought together the world's leading EFT Tapping experts to give you different insights and understandings and to let you go deeper in the areas where you'd like the most help.

These 100% content interviews, conducted by our club host Jessica Ortner, range from 30 to 60 minutes long and involve both discussion and tapping on the featured topic.


We have over 30 different 4 part masterclasses in the club already! These are really deep dives on particular topics.

Some of the masterclasses include:
  • Clearing Blocks to Intimacy
  • Finding the Gifts of Being Sensitive
  • How to Use Tapping to Heal From Abuse
  • Releasing the Grip of Anger From Your Life
  • Tapping for Parenting and Kids
  • And so many more!

Get Weekly Guidance, Live Masterclasses and Q&A Sessions, and Access to Videos, Scripts, Meditations, Masterclasses, and More to Help You Transform Your Life...

There is no issue that we can't tackle together
in the Tapping Insiders Club...

Eliminate Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm and Other Negative Emotions

Stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, grief, shame, depression, guilt... whatever negative emotion you're dealing with, we'll help you use tapping to eliminate its power over your life!

Remove Unconscious Blocks to Financial Abundance

Don't struggle with procrastination, fear of failure, creativity challenges or any other blocks to creating your financial success. Use tapping to eliminate them!

Overcome Physical Pain, Addictions and Other Health Challenges

Enjoying every day and living your best life is difficult when health challenges limit you. Through tapping, we'll work to reduce physical pain and bring the body into a state of healing.

Find the Love of Your Life or Strengthen Your Current Relationship

Romantic relationships is where we find our greatest pleasure and deepest pain. When you tap to eliminate fears, old hurts, and other baggage we carry from previous experiences, we're able to love openly and create fulfilling relationships.

Eliminate Body Confidence and Weight Loss Challenges

Tap-along as we discover your blocks to weight loss and body confidence and eliminate them to create a body and life you love every day.

Build Daily Habits that Lead to Long Term Happiness and Fulfillment

Learn how to live, create and enjoy your life one day at a time through daily habits that make every day better and lead to long term fulfillment.

Just in the Current Tapping Insiders Club Resources, We Cover Over 100 Different Topics...

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Now That You Know What to Do and How To Build a Support Structure... You Still Have to Overcome the 3rd Challenge As To Why Most People Struggle to Create Change on a Daily Basis, and Thus Fail to Make Their Lives Better Over Time...

They don't BELIEVE in themselves and their ability to make changes that lead to a better life

When you think back on your life, how many memories do you have of things not going right?

How many times did you fail? How many times did you feel attacked, or criticized, or not enough?

If you're human... your answer is likely "too many times to count!"

It's no wonder we struggle with our confidence and belief that we can make things better. We've had experience after experience that has made us lose our confidence.

And with our incredibly fast paced modern world, where we're constantly seeing what others are doing on Facebook and other social media, it's easy to fall into the trap of being overly stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and to feel like we're just not good enough.

But to make your daily life better, and build towards creating your dreams, you need to build up your confidence and belief in yourself in the areas you want to grow...

Sometimes we can be confident in one area, but not in another. You might even have high selfesteem... but not believe that you're worthy of asking for a raise, or smart enough to write a book, or attractive, funny or witty enough to ask that person out on a date...

While you may be confident in one area or another... everyone has unconscious challenges with their belief in what they can do in certain areas of their lives.

But here's the thing... I believe in you. And I know that with Tapping, anything is possible for you.

The Tapping Insiders Club will guide you to find your blocks, rewire your unconscious beliefs, and lead you to finally create the deep beliefs and confidence you need in yourself to push forward!

30 Day "Get Results or Your Money Back" Guarantee

If you're not 100% satisfied we don't expect... or want... to keep your money. Simply notify us by calling us or by emailing us within 30 days and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

We'll even let you keep all of the bonuses for FREE!

So Are You Ready to Transform Your Life Forever? With The Guidance and Support You'll Receive in the Club, You'll Finally Get to Create the Life You Truly Want and Deserve!

I've Outlined Exactly What You'll Get When You Join Below. Just Choose the Access Level That Is Right For You...

Option 1 Monthly Access
Option 2 6 month discount
Option 32 1 year discount

In Depth Tapping Guidance

Weekly Emails from Nick Ortner to Guide you in what to tap on and how to get the best results each week
Weekly Emails from Nick Ortner to Guide you in what to tap on and how to get the best results each week
Weekly Emails from Nick Ortner to Guide you in what to tap on and how to get the best results each week
Weekly Emails from Nick Ortner to Guide you in what to tap on and how to get the best results each week
Weekly FB Live Masterclasses and Q&A sessions with Nick Ortner, Alex Ortner, and Jessica Ortner (With recordings always available for replay afterwards)
Weekly FB Live Masterclasses and Q&A sessions with Nick Ortner, Alex Ortner, and Jessica Ortner (With recordings always available for replay afterwards)
Weekly FB Live Masterclasses and Q&A sessions with Nick Ortner, Alex Ortner, and Jessica Ortner (With recordings always available for replay afterwards)
Weekly FB Live Masterclasses and Q&A sessions with Nick Ortner, Alex Ortner, and Jessica Ortner (With recordings always available for replay afterwards)
Access to All Existing and New Tap-Along Videos, Tapping Meditations, Tapping Scripts, Masterclasses and Expert Interviews
Access to All Existing and New Tap-Along Videos, Tapping Meditations, Tapping Scripts, Masterclasses and Expert Interviews
Access to All Existing and New Tap-Along Videos, Tapping Meditations, Tapping Scripts, Masterclasses and Expert Interviews
Access to All Existing and New Tap-Along Videos, Tapping Meditations, Tapping Scripts, Masterclasses and Expert Interviews


Access to the Facebook Community!
Access to the Facebook Community!
Access to the Facebook Community!
Access to the Facebook Community!
Elite Level Customer Support
Elite Level Customer Support
Elite Level Customer Support
Elite Level Customer Support


Ongoing Members Only Discounts on ALL Tapping Solution Products which include our books, 7 week courses and Tapping World Summits
20% Discount
Members Only Discounts on ALL Tapping Solution Products
30% Discount
Members Only Discounts on ALL Tapping Solution Products
50% Discount
Members Only Discounts on ALL Tapping Solution Products


BONUS: Access to the full Tapping Solution Movie
BONUS: Access to the full Tapping Solution Movie
BONUS: Access to the full Tapping Solution Movie
BONUS: Access to the full Tapping Solution Movie
BONUS: Access to all 23 Videos in the Tapping World Summit Video Series
BONUS: Access to all 23 Videos in the Tapping World Summit Video Series
BONUS: Access to all 23 Videos in the Tapping World Summit Video Series
BONUS: Access to all 23 Videos in the Tapping World Summit Video Series
BONUS: Access to the full 8th Annual Tapping World Summit!
BONUS: Access to the full 8th Annual Tapping World Summit!
BONUS: Access to the full 8th Annual Tapping World Summit!
BONUS: Access to the full 8th Annual Tapping World Summit!
BONUS: Access to the full Pain Relief World Summit!
BONUS: Access to the full Pain Relief World Summit!
BONUS: Access to the full Pain Relief World Summit!
BONUS: Access to the full Pain Relief World Summit!
Regular Price:
Regular Price:
Regular Price:
Pay Only $19.95/month
(Save over 26%)
For as long as you remain a member! Cancel at any time.
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Pay Only $104 for 6 months of access! And then $17.33/month thereafter! Cancel at any time.
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Your Payment is 100% Secure
Pay Only $189 for 1 year!
(Save over 41%)
And then $15.75/month thereafter! Cancel at any time.
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30 Day "Get Results or Your Money Back" Guarantee

If you're not 100% satisfied we don't expect... or want... to keep your money. Simply notify us by calling us or by emailing us within 30 days and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

We'll even let you keep all of the bonuses for FREE!

What Happens After You Order?

Secure Checkout Page
Click the Add to Cart button above, and you will see a secure checkout page where you can enter your payment information.
Access the Members Only Area
After you order, you will be directed to the Tapping Insiders Club members only area. You will also receive an email with your unique logins to get access at any time.
Personal Guidance
You'll be welcomed by Jessica who will guide you in how to navigate the club, access the videos, audios, scripts and more to begin using Tapping in your journey of transformation.
Join the Facebook Community and Join Us Live!
We'll then show you how to join the private Facebook group to get support from fellow members and to get answers, direction and support from Nick, Alex, and Jessica during our upcoming Facebook Live Masterclasses!
Ongoing Guidance and Support
We'll then continue to support you with weekly emails, elite level support, and ongoing Facebook Live classes and Q&A sessions with Nick, Alex, and Jessica!

What Experts Are Saying...

"Put away the skepticism, this really works. I have worked with Nick Ortner and had great results with Tapping in my own life"
Dr. Wayne Dyer
"I heartily recommend The Tapping Solution! Start Tapping your way to better health and a better life."
Dr. Christiane Northrup
"Tapping is one of the most directed and powerful ways to peel away those layers of chronic stress. It's very effective for very difficult problems."
Dr. Mark Hyman
"Look, here's the deal, you're unconsciously focusing on your fear all the time. It's your subconscious that needs to get reprogrammed. By focusing on it for a little bit of time [with Tapping] we can get rid of it so it's not unconsciously running you."
Jack Canfield
"Tapping is one of the most powerful techniques I've experienced and Nick and Jessica are the perfect guides on the journey toward greater self-love and confidence."
Marci Shimoff
"Tapping is easily accessible and works instantly for fat loss, improving self-image, and becoming your very best self."
JJ Virgin
"Habits are hard to break because they're our neuro-path ways. What Tapping does is it helps to rewire those pathways so that we can break some of those habits that are so ingrained in us."
Kris Carr

Frequently Asked Questions

(If you have any questions that are not answered, use the icon in the bottom right to chat or email us with your questions.)

Q. What is the cancellation and refund policy?
A. With whatever signup option you choose, if you're not 100% satisfied simply notify us by email or phone within 30 days and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked. No difficult cancellation process (we hate those!), just ask and we'll get you refunded.

With the 1 year option, you can cancel within 30 days for a full refund. Also, 1 year time period you'll be switched to a discounted month to month option which you can cancel at any time, but remember, if you do cancel, you'll lose your discounted rate, yikes! :)
Q. Does it work for _________?
A. We're always asked if Tapping works for one challenge or another. The amazing thing about Tapping is that it works rewire and rebalance both the body and mind, and since the body and mind are... YOU... there is nothing that Tapping can't have an influence on improving.

We cover over 100 different topics in the club and if there's a topic we haven't covered just let us know and we'll work to create resources on that topic. :)
Q. How much time will it take? What's involved?
A. The Tapping Insiders Club is all about simplicity. While there are hundreds of hours of content in the club, there's no need to listen to it all!

We'll guide you in your journey and give you bitesized tapalong videos, meditations, and scripts to get you fast results. And well provide in-depth interviews and masterclasses for when you want to go deeper (and have the time to!).

So don't worry about not having enough time. Even using the 5 to 10 minutes tapalong videos can transform your life!
Q. What kind of support will I get? What if I get stuck? Will I be able to ask questions?
A. Yes! We will absolutely support you! You'll be supported in three powerful ways:

1 - Nick, Alex, and Jessica will be available during Facebook live masterclasses and Q&A sessions to answer your questions. They'll also answer questions within the Facebook group as much as possible.

2 - You'll also have elite level customer support from our team, which means that when you have a challenge or question our dedicated team will help you to resolve it.

3 - And lastly, you'll have the support of other members just like you! While participating isn't required, you'll find that lots of members are active in supporting each other and sharing their experiences.
Q. I don't have much extra time? Is this for me?
A. You don't need a lot of time to get results and make this successful for you. We've purposely broken down the different resources into different lengths.

We have videos, meditations and scripts that can have you tapping and getting results within just 5 to 15 minutes and we have in-depth interviews and masterclasses for when you have more time to go deeper.
Q. Can I access this on my phone or tablet?
A. Yes! The members area, videos, audios, and more are all accessible from mobile devices and tablets.
Q. Do I have to be in the Facebook group? And if I am, who will see what I post?
A. Joining the Facebook group is OPTIONAL but we do highly recommend it. Even if you don't participate, just being in the group and seeing what others post can be helpful.

And if you don't have a Facebook account, you can easily create an account you use just to access this club.
Q. What do I get access to?
A. You get access to everything! You can watch the videos, listen to the meditations, interviews and masterclasses, and read and tapalong with the tapping scripts. Similar in setup to Netflix or Hulu, you get full access for as long as you're a member!

I could not be more happy with the results I am getting, I have never done so well in my life!

"I just want to tell you I started a new job the last few days of March and since then, I am already 1st in sales growth on the entire East Coast of Florida with 128% sales growth and 3rd in the state of Florida. I also received all A's for this past spring semester in school. I use tapping and I also listen to other recordings in tandem. I could not be more happy with the results I am getting, I have never done so well in my life! If you could have seen where I was living and what I was doing (homeless) a year ago this time most people would not believe it! I could barely hold a simple conversation with someone a year ago. I am so grateful to have found tapping through Louise Hay on her Facebook page, this has really taken me to a whole new level. I have been blessed with many miracles, and I expect them to keep coming. Tapping is amazing, and I will continue to tap today and moving forward. Thank you!"
Frederick Beachler
Miami, FL

"The journey is amazing... In 5 months I lost 37lbs and am now down 82 lbs!"

"The journey is amazing and where tapping takes you is to being a better you. I try to stop and tap on the "it" of the moment. I feel it has taught me to be more present in my life and loving. It led me to being open to making changes. In 5 months I lost 37lbs and am now down 82 lbs! I've built a new relationship with myself and my body and I'm finally making better decisions around food and moving my body."
Bobbie Sanford

"In 5 months of diligent tapping & expanding my use of the tools, I more than doubled my income."

In 5 months of diligent tapping & expanding my use of the tools, I more than doubled my income. A year and 4 month into serious tapping, I can pay my bills easily, was able to afford major dental expenses, and had an emergency fund that recently paid the vet bill to save my cat's life. I still have far to go, but I call that significant progress. And the stress relieved by having some financial stability has been phenomenal. I also have 3-day weekends! I don't work Fridays! Tapping has really opened so many areas of my life that I would hardly know where to begin - it would be book-length.
Dawn R.
Orlando, FL

"I have been able to break my addiction to ALCOHOL. I can't explain but I know the tapping is healing me, in so many ways."

"I used Tapping to help me transition into a NON SMOKING life after a 30 year habit. (It's been 3 months now!) Thanks to tapping I can now look at myself without cringing and am growing daily in my understanding of this process. My new desire to nourish and care for myself has led me to the biggest breakthrough yet. I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO BREAK MY ADDICTION TO ALCOHOL. After drinking almost daily for the last few years, I haven't touched it for 2 weeks- and don't even want to. I can't explain but I know the tapping is healing me, in so many ways. If I'm lucky, a side effect may be weight loss. Meanwhile, I feel better than I have in ages. Thanks for listening (reading ).... all the best to each and every one of you xx"
Gayle Hurstbridge

"Thank you seems so inadequate to describe the amazing impact and healing, tapping with you guys has had on me... and my daughter!"

Thank you seems so inadequate to describe the amazing impact and healing, tapping with you guys has had on me...and my daughter! I've been on this self-help, enlightenment journey for my whole life...but I have to say... if a "magic key" exists... Tapping is it! It's funny because my profession for the last 10 years has been "dog trainer/walker to the rich and famous". In training animals I am fully aware that when they are in "fight/flight/fright"... you can't reach them! They have to calm FIRST and then/only then...can communication and learning can happen! I never put it together that we as humans are the same!!! What a tremendous, fabulous, amazing Alchemical tool Tapping is!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Blessings upon Blessings to you both!!
Elizabeth Hemingway :)
San Francisco, CA

"We tapped and tapped and it was a profound and deeply healing experience for my daughter!"

Wow!! I invited me 13-year-old daughter to join me in tapping along with an audio. (I've been tapping for 8 years and taught my daughter EFT since she was 7) We just started this tap-along and it brought up deep emotions that I didn't know my daughter had. We tapped and tapped and it was a profound and deeply healing experience for my daughter! The tuning into the body sensations and associated emotions was what brought it all up. Amazing! Thank you!!

"With each session and every day the grip and intensity of negative emotions are decreasing."

Hi, I have been doing tapping for 1 month now and it really works. I used to do 3-5 rounds for overcoming past relationship trauma, overwhelm and procrastination and it bring powerful negative emotions hiding deep which is followed by deep peace. With each session and every day the grip and intensity of negative emotions are decreasing. Tapping is self empowering for emotional healing.
Kishor Kalita
Guwahati, Assam , India

"Since you first introduced me to Tapping, using it has re-empowered my marriage, life and business."

"Nick and Jessica, I am so appreciative your vision, reach and leadership with The Tapping Solution. Since you first introduced me to Tapping, using it has re-empowered my marriage, life and business. Today, I pay that legacy forward by helping others discover their essential self and live more empowered lives. Thank you with all my heart. I eagerly anticipate how this beautiful and shared vision unfolds. With Love and Light, SusanJoy Grieco"
SusanJoy Grieco
Bedminster, NJ USA

"Tapping was a game changer and has allowed me to enjoy my life more"

"Tapping has changed my life in so many ways! The disempowering beliefs that I had about my body and the way I look consumed my mind. It was always eating at me. Which kept me eating, lol. Oh, does it ever feel good to be able to laugh about that now! I was so miserable with all of the feelings and thoughts that I had about myself. Tapping was a game changer and has allowed me to enjoy my life more. I wish you the best and may it bring more happiness into your life! Much love to you!"
Heather MacRae
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

"I am the happiest that I have ever been and I am manifesting love, health, abundance and joy"

"This is fabulous! I just finished 90 minutes of tapping for the morning! I am blown away by Tapping and the shifts that have occurred in my life since I began this past June. I am the happiest that I have ever been and I am manifesting love, health, abundance and joy. I still refuse to step on the scale but I know that I have lost weight by the way my clothes fit. I don't need numbers to measure my success. My spirit, attitude and outlook are my measure. I am so grateful for the time and space in my life right now that I am able to receive this. Blessings to all"
Bridget Collins
Medford MA

"I was brought to tears by how blessed I feel to have tools that help."

"I just wanted to express my love and gratitude toward Jessica, Nick and everybody who makes the tapping solution programs work. Today I had the opportunity to listen to Nick speak. I was very moved by the miracles that happened and I was brought to tears by how blessed I feel to have tools that help. I stood in Nicks book signing line because I wanted to ask him to say hi to Jessica. He went one step further and allowed me to speak with her on the phone. I wanted to try to express to you how genuine and caring I feel Nick and Jessica are. So my thoughts led me to the various and countless times I replay the work Jessica has done and she often shares that she really and truly cares for us and she believes in our success. Well today I witnessed true, genuine belief in us. It was amazing. Keep tapping and be blessed!
Marla P.
New Hampshire

"Thanks to tapping I have stopped PROCRASTINATING and self-sabotaging once and for all..."

"After days, weeks, months of tapping (together with meditation to be honest) I got unstuck.., and today I am the happy owner of the house of my dreams!!!! Yay!!!! I can't believe it but it has happened. Today I have bought the house I've been after for such a long time. Thanks to tapping I have stopped PROCRASTINATING and self-sabotaging once and for all and I have realized how powerful is to take action, just a baby step is enough to make everything turn and fall into place....AMAZING!!! AWESOME!!! But I am not stopping here, I will continue tapping as this is just the beginning and there are so many things I still want to get. Now more than ever I am sure I will get them. I am so grateful and thankful to the Universe, to tapping, to all of you for your support and energy that there are no words enough to express my gratitude. Thanks thanks thanks!!!!!!!!"
Ana Ramirez

"I was on the brink of suicide...Thank God I learned about tapping just in the nick of time. Had I not learned of EFT, I don't even know if I would be here today."

Hi Jessica, My name is Geron Lee and I just wanted to say you and Nick have changed my life. About two years ago I learned about tapping. After reading a few of the newsletters, I decided to borrow Nick's book from the library and tried one EFT session on myself. The second time I did EFT on myself, it was because I was on the brink of suicide. It was the darkest point in my life and I wasn't even quite sure what to tap on initially because there were so many overwhelming factors that led me to this potential decision. I was literally thinking which bridge should I jump off of? Or should I run right in front of a bus to end all my pain and suffering? Thank God I learned about tapping just in the nick of time. Had I not learned of EFT, I don't even know if I would be here today. For about an hour and a half I bawled as I kept tapping my feelings that there is no light at the end of the tunnel for me. That all is hopeless. That I'll never get out of this. My SUD went from maybe at 9 or 10 all the way down to 1. Near the end of my tapping session, I heard a voice say to me, "There IS light at the end of the tunnel, it's just that the tunnel is so long you can't see it right now. But don't worry about it. Just keep walking along that tunnel and you will find your way out." After I received this message, I was exhausted and depleted and conked out and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up with a brand new feeling to life even though my situation had not changed whatsoever.

Over the past couple of years I have continued tapping and developing my intuition at a much greater capacity through tapping and listening to the messages that came to me.

In case it wasn't obvious, I just wanted to say how EFT has really changed my life! I went from a very dark place believing I could never live the life of my dreams, to getting to a place where for the first time in this phase of my life, I am now starting to believe that I can do anything. That I can truly live my dream life here on Earth. I want to thank you and both Nicks, for so courageously borrowing so much money that you did not have, to fulfill your dream of sharing EFT with the world. This is one of many lives that you have impacted. Thank-you! Thank-you!
Ajax, Ontario

"One little girl has been bullying her consistently... this stress relief tapping opened her back up again and she is handling everything that comes her way and is happy, joyous and free."

"Hi Jessica, I am writing about the stress relief audios. We use a modified version of these audios with our 6 year old daughter (she changes the script to fit her situation with my help) every morning and every night. We love it... the other night as she drifted off to sleep she says, "wow, ...universe...feels.. so... peaceful..." lol.

She had an awful end to last year (kindergarten) and the same for the beginning of this year, (grade 1). One little girl has been bullying her consistently and everyone is in denial about it. I understand, I am a counsellor... nobody wants to believe that someone so young can be mean over and over but it was hurting my girl.

So I'm helping her this way and it is awesome! She has always been strong, super friendly, loving... but this was wearing her down. Not anymore though. The other night when we were saying her gratitude list she said, "And please thank Jessica... the lady who is speaking." Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is THE most heartbreaking thing to watch your child's spirit get crushed by someone else. We are hands on parents so have been all over this problem in the healthiest of ways but the parents are also in denial about their little girl so that has been a dead end. But this stress relief tapping opened her back up again and she is handling everything that comes her way and is happy, joyous and free. We are too...sending you, Nick and your family.
Trinity B.
Vancouver BC Canada

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Weekly FB Live Masterclasses and Q&A sessions with Nick Ortner, Alex Ortner, and Jessica Ortner (With recordings always available for replay afterwards)
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*DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. As part of the information presented on this website, I understand that I will be introduced to a modality called Emotional Freedom Technique ("EFT") which is a technique referred to as a type of energy therapy. Due to the experimental nature of EFT, and because it is a relatively new healing approach and the extent of its effectiveness, as well as its risks and benefits are not full known, I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with viewing this website and using EFT as a result of viewing this website. I understand that my choice to use EFT is of my own free will and not subject to any outside pressure. I further understand that if I choose to use EFT, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface.

The information on this website and that you receive in The Tapping Insiders Club is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified financial adviser or health care professional and is not intended as financial or medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of The Tapping Insiders Club, and the experts that are presenting. We encourage you to make your own financial and health decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified professional.